Remember 3.1? Then Windows what? 98 then 2000 then 2003 then XP then Vista then whatever it is that really doesn't work that is out now. Of course there are the various software suites and in particular Excel 2007 which doesn't seem to have a print icon that anyone can recognize.
My cousin Pam got hooked into the upgrade. We spent a couple hours on the menu and taskbar changes and I calmly suggested that she go to "add/delete software" and get rid of it and go back.
Newer isn't better. Newer is just newer. I dislike Microsoft intensely as I've been involved with 3 startup software companies that went to Microsoft at the key time and they gave horrible "deals" and these were take it or leave it offers which had to be taken and all they did was kill the company's growth and eventually just close up the shops. I look at MS 3.1 as something of an icon for a good idea turned topsy and wish everyone would just go back to those days and unprofit MS for turning out pain in the butt products that just don't get better. But then again, these are all mounted on diskettes and I don't have a computer anymore that has a slot for them. :(
My cousin Pam got hooked into the upgrade. We spent a couple hours on the menu and taskbar changes and I calmly suggested that she go to "add/delete software" and get rid of it and go back.
Newer isn't better. Newer is just newer. I dislike Microsoft intensely as I've been involved with 3 startup software companies that went to Microsoft at the key time and they gave horrible "deals" and these were take it or leave it offers which had to be taken and all they did was kill the company's growth and eventually just close up the shops. I look at MS 3.1 as something of an icon for a good idea turned topsy and wish everyone would just go back to those days and unprofit MS for turning out pain in the butt products that just don't get better. But then again, these are all mounted on diskettes and I don't have a computer anymore that has a slot for them. :(