God's gift to the democratic party just keeps on giving. Well, welcome Sarah to the land of "I can't do that put I'll give it a whirl..looks like fun..ya'betcha!"
Let's be straight here. I actually don't dislike her personally. She probably is a world of fun at a frat mixer or for that matter, at the Moose Lodge friday night bar-b-que. And it is notable that she was govenor of Alaska, no small feat for someone born without much of a brain. And I do admire her for the absolutely correct attitude that you can set your goals and aspire to anything you want in this country and it is not only proper but laudable that she did. There is a line, however faint in some eyes, but nevertheless there that is put there to practice self restraint. Would I like to be President? Me? SURE in a heartbeat. Would I like to be head of GM and turn it around? Yup. Would I like to be a gifted (truly gifted not just good) writer or composer or conductor or trumpeter? Ya'betcha but I'm not and having the realization that "some talent" isn't a light switch (just on/off) for "enough" talent.