Idiots form a line to the far right please

My reading day unfortunately lead off with a popup ad from Faux Noise linking to a Glenn Beck article and I think I'll have to retire for the remainder of this holiday as I am now too weak to function.  I constantly have to ask myself "who the hell is this bozo and why should I care what he has to say".

I do agree with his title, arguing with idiots as it appears to me, and I am biased, that he is an idiot and to argue with him is like peeing up wind.

A former employee of mine or at least someone who purportedly reported to me, had a very nice sister who worked as a segment producer for this schmuck.  She seemed like a good person and hadn't personally done the Faust thing but must have had to drink herself into oblivion nightly to forget the horrors of daily life with Glenn.  I watch him on occasion with the same morbid fascination that I reserve for potential airline disasters - you know, when the landing gear doesn't come down - and somehow the pilot, with consummate skill gets the damn thing down safely.  However there is no hero in this turd in the punchbowl.

He is a fatassed provocateur and boiling in oil is both a two swift and not painful enough demise.  Oh to trip the light fantastic..