There is a story of sorts about an Englishman who, upon offending the King, was hung, wracked and laid out to be cut open and disemboweled to which his famous statement was "Gads. What? More trouble?" So I read in this mornings that is all about China and the "mutual mess" and everyone needs to cool down and work on this trade business.
They make note of the world being flooded by cheap Chinese imports and how it is hurting recovery efforts. OHMYGOD. The NYTimes finally sees what every common man and woman has seen for years. What is wrong with these people? Don't they think? Don't they lead real lives that happen to include Walmart and, frankly, just about every retailer under the sun?
Have then not noticed manufacturing jobs fleeing the US for cheap Chinese labor for years now? I dare you. Go in your closet this morning and before you put on your clothes for the day, check the labels for manufacturing origin. Now, answer this: Is it the fault of American labor that everything you own is made in Asia or is it the fault of business that everything you own is made in Asia or is it the fault of government that everything you own is made in Asia?
It's not nice to get me all worked up at 7am.