Everybody just wring their hands......

This morning brings us a number of "ohhhh where did we fail" type of columns regarding the Massachusetts senate election.  So where did you (dems) and me (liberal) and the NYTimes fail?

In not understanding the depth of dispair in the country about how things are. 

I rode a Southwest flight yesterday from Florida (where I had to file a lawsuit against some former business associates who didn't think it was necessary to pay someone if they contracted that someone for work and the work was done....lol, they acknowledged the work was done, just what they wanted, they just didn't want to pay for it).  Anyway my poor seat partner got the brunt of my frustrations with Massachusetts, Washington in general (not Gen. Washington - couldn't resist!), and my democratic party (well not to mention the welchers in Florida).  The offshoot was that people just 1. aren't working  2. are scared  3. if they do work they aren't getting paid  4.  Wall Street should be dropped from 39,000 feet over the atlantic (her words not mine...I think higher is better).

If you remember the movie Fargo, at the end Kate was driving this maniac killer back to Fargo and to jail and he is sitting in the back of her police car and she says "I just don't understand....it was only money".  The Times can wring its hands as is the democratic leadership but the people out there, not the Wall Street robots who MAKE NOTHING WITH THEIR HANDS, (p.s. my x-partners were day traders and hedge fund operators so you can see my double dislike), but the real guys and gals, the people in seats 16a and b for instance and I think around us who were listening, they work and expect to be paid. They expect employers to extend a modicum of loyalty and caring as people really do get into their jobs and want to do good work for the pride of doing good work.

I'm waiting for that woman in Massachusetts to come on TV, on some talking heads show, and wring her hands too...and start a sentence with "I guess..." like in I guess I didn't do a good job type of thing. 

Well honey, if you have to guess you didn't know what the hell you were doing and this is not a time when you can guess with people's lives.  There. I feel better.