Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (wash your hands after reading please)

smarm·y (smär'mē)

adj. smarm·i·er, smarm·i·est

Hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest; unctuous. See Synonyms at unctuous.

I just thought it fair warning that his post is about Lindsey and his appearance on CNBC this morning ...bitching and moaning about the health care bill.

First, I don't like where we are on it at this point and frankly I think every last stinker in the House and Senate should have to go out into the private marketplace and actually buy their own damn insurance and see how much they like it.  Then they need to get walloped by some huge deductible and co-pays until they have to choose between a haircut and paying their insurance....but back to the unctuous prick of all times, Lindsey Graham.

Hates the health care bill. Hates it.  Bad for America. Our way of life will sink to the poor people...??? help them out????  Well let me tell you all you need to know about Lindsey.

He represents a state that is 45th in providing health care.  45th out of 50 which puts it leading the bottom 10%.  That is what Lindsey is used to and seems to like. 

Change the crap that goes on in S. Carolina and then we might think you are serious.  Prick.