I guess there will always be a Floriduhhhhh ahh the KKK

I was a teacher in my former life and pretty good at it too. I spent a year in a southern high school teaching math to  what were called "the slow kids" who, actually were not slow.  Mostly black, almost always from object poverty, these kids thrived...and out of 175 of them we together got to the point where fully 90% of them passed the state achievement in basic math skills ... up from 12% the year before. 

I tell you this not to brag as I got more out of that year than they did and it was, without qualification, the most rewarding year of my life.  I say this as the guidance counselor was a KKK guy who was largely responsible for "who takes what courses" decisions.

Now up pops a jailer from Florida who just lost his job for being a member of a subversive organization (KKK yet again).  There is no evidence that he took his hobby to work but I'm personally glad that any KKK member is shown the door.  If he did no harm or didn't is up to the appropriate persons to decide but 20+ years ago, there was a KKK klutz who was doing real harm to kids who didn't need it or deserve it but got it because they were black or poor white.
