ahhhh medical care and rationing

Ahhh medical care and the reform. I suspect that no one much has thought about where these millions of newly insured are going to go to get seen by a physician.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for universal health care as our system clearly doesn't work and we hurt ourselves in a lot of ways as a result - from not being able to compete in industry and price of goods to what now becomes routine causes of bankruptcy and, most unfortunately, loss of life because of no medical care.

Of course the emergency rooms are not primary care facilities. They are for emergencies but by law anyone who enters cannot be denied care because of lack of insurance or means to pay.  So where are these potentially new insureds supposed to go for care?

There aren't enough GPs now and their locations are not systematically laid out but rather clumped in suburban areas.  Walk in clinics are at capacity and only 100 or so new ones are being opened a year.

Wouldn't it be nice if congress, in their wisdom, had throught this through a bit?
