Mr. Know It All

Remember?  Our good friend Mr. Know It All?...and cooking the Thanksgiving turkey....

Just how many Mr. Know It Alls prance around on our TV sets every night.  The redundit Kudlow, always looking for the silver lining, the hysterical Cramer, the pompous and hysterical  Dobbs, the bloviating Matthews, the incessant Obermann, the churlish Madow, the entire cast of fools at Faux Noise and we haven't even reached the asylum of talk radio.

So why Bullwinkle's famous turkey bit and why the list of bad actors? Because they have something in common.  Bad advice.  Because they have the floor as  Bullwinkle has the stove, they can say about anything they please and do.  It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong, they have the stove and they are going to do what they want, common sense and facts aside.

I had a talk the other day with a book lover - one who, like me, can't read a book online or on Kindle but has to actually hold it, prop it up, figure a way to read it in bed with a dim light - and we decided that one good thing about books was that they had publishers who had proof readers and fact checkers and you could indeed judge a book by its cover. 

Alas we have to judge content now by a channel position.