Talk about coincidences. I watched Rachel Madow last night and she had on some strange person named Berman who has a rash of pseudo-science websites up of which is one of them.
(sweet and) LOW and behold starting about 5am today on CNBC and MSNBC (and of course our buddies at Faux News) there is a commercial that is part of an ad campaign out saying all sugar is the same yada yada and it directs to mentioned above.
The science is still "out" on a lot of what they claim and their logic is tortured to say the least. Corn syrup is used on most soft drinks and one point they make is corn syrup gets a bad rap due to the fattyfat kids drinking too much soda products and gosh its not the syrup that is causing it...
I'm not impressed. I'm not sure the point they are making. Frankly I don't get where they are going with this or the myriad other sites they run of the same ilk. I would like to know who is forking over ten grand a spot on CNBC and running this whole thing.
Least impressive is the science presented. The expert is a Dartmouth music major who according to Berman is really smart. I don't discount music majors being really smart but that is a long way from a ph.d. and lab experience in molecular science. Again. I'm not impressed. Read it for youself and look at the blog listings on their main page. Others seem to agree with me.
(sweet and) LOW and behold starting about 5am today on CNBC and MSNBC (and of course our buddies at Faux News) there is a commercial that is part of an ad campaign out saying all sugar is the same yada yada and it directs to mentioned above.
The science is still "out" on a lot of what they claim and their logic is tortured to say the least. Corn syrup is used on most soft drinks and one point they make is corn syrup gets a bad rap due to the fattyfat kids drinking too much soda products and gosh its not the syrup that is causing it...
I'm not impressed. I'm not sure the point they are making. Frankly I don't get where they are going with this or the myriad other sites they run of the same ilk. I would like to know who is forking over ten grand a spot on CNBC and running this whole thing.
Least impressive is the science presented. The expert is a Dartmouth music major who according to Berman is really smart. I don't discount music majors being really smart but that is a long way from a ph.d. and lab experience in molecular science. Again. I'm not impressed. Read it for youself and look at the blog listings on their main page. Others seem to agree with me.