The sadness of a job fair

I was at one yesterday looking for potential traders or traders with potential or generally smart people who could fit in.  In my lifetime I don't think I've seen more of a buyer's market.  What was so sad was outside the arena.  There were countless people in black business suits and white shirts and blouses.  I thought that was most telling.  Here were a group of prospects, all cleaned up and in their Sunday go to Meeting clothes (look that one up),  practicing expressions in the windows before they went in, standing up very straight and all a complete bundle of nerves.
There was one group of girls/women/females (you pick) practicing their "opening lines" with each other.  I approaced just ot of curiousity and as I had my "employer/exhibiter" badge on they snapped to.  Ahh the power of a job. In any other setting I would have had shoes thrown at me.   I invited them to visit our booth as indeed we were looking for people.  I also asked what they thought their chances of landing something through a fair and their "upbeat hire me" expressions flattened out.  At best they hoped someone would call them for an interview but they knew they would be up against a new set of jewels to be sifted through.
It was very sad actually. $150,000 in some of the best education in the world.  Very well developed verbal skills. A catch for any company in normal times.  I hope we don't waste any of them.