Learning how to trade is something that I'm really buying into

I think that people think that trading is an easy proposition.  At the core, it is. Buy low. Sell High and the best part is you can make money when the stocks go up and when the stocks go down you have to toss the second ball in the air catch profits where you can.

It seems like a slam dunk on face but this is a learning game and a patience game as all good things are. 

I liken this to an orchestral trumpet player...you practice and learn all the time - hours upon hours - and some nights in concert you play for maybe 10 minutes in the two hour concert.   In trading the actually "hush I'm trading" time is, in the course of a full day, a fairly narrow event.  You sit and wait for some pattern that fits into your plan then concentrate and transact like crazy and settle back in when things level out.  That's the "fool armed with a little knowledge" point of view but I'm of the opinion that if you don't have a good course (like in school course) in this you are out of your mind and if you don't have an expert sitting around near you while you are in the learning curve you are equally skating on thin ice.

A good floor, like this one, has a lot of amazing tools (filters is a trade jargon word) and if you go to a good school (very very hard to find but you just found the best one going) and learn the business and the tools and how everything works, you are again playing with fire.

I'm a huge believer in education and love to learn new things.  If you are serious about this stuff you need to learn the business.   It is like golf.  An untrained or uninstructed golfer really doesn't have a lot of fun and furthermore he is dangerous...think hard golf balls flying everywhere.