A tile job on Midland Ave and Concerto per la mano sinistra

Oh boy oh boy!  One of my favorite works performed by someone who can play.  I mean really play.

When I was a senior at Bay City Central high school, one of my teachers, Frank Sarrassaque (yes I know that it might be misspelled but I'm dictating and I can't correct it) hired me to put tile down in his kitchen and adjoining room of his house on Midland Street. I was to get the tidy sum of $100.  I knew geometry pretty well and could put down those crucial starting squares so it was to go fairly quickly.

He had a great stereo system and I put on a stack of records - about 2 hours worth of music ending with this concerto.  It would give me some idea of time.  The house from front to back was living room, dining room with the aforementioned stereo, the kitchen and pantry.  I started in the kitchen and quickly tiled my way into a corner of the pantry where I was stuck waiting for things to dry.

I didn't know the music very well to start with but when I finished, every measure was in my head.  It still is. I think I heard it 10 times in a whole afternoon.

My left hand is pretty much a goner due to ALS and I can only dream of playing this..just a few measures.  I'm not jealous over Juja Wang being able to manage it with so much ease as her talent comes along almost never in a century.

 There is nothing she can do that I was ever able to do so that's that but when I see hands so gifted that they seem like extensions of her brain...well....I can dream a bit.....and I can listen and watch to my mind's content.


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