Well let's try the truth-o-meter one more time

There is an interesting op-ed in the Times today.  It is about accuracy (better known as truth).  It makes a number of points, the least of which is that large percentages of people claiming to be in the republican party don't believe that our current president is 1. a citizen 2. was born in the US 3. wasn't responsible for TARP 4. is a Muslim.

Now it is quite possible that 10% or so of any population sample are merely dumber than dirt - I mean really silly-stupid and have IQs only a rock would admire. OK. They are forgiven. Nature sometimes doesn't play fair.

These, however, are people that have been lied to and they swallowed it hook line and sinker.  These are folks who probably like gossip and believe what is in the National Enquirer to be fact and fact checked. Read the column.
Here is Tom Lehrer from the 60s to remind you about "accuracy":


  1. As a Senator, Obama voted in favor of TARP. I think he has earned his share of responsibility for it. That's not to forgive Bush, but Obama is far from innocent.

  2. What did Obama do as soon as he took the White House?

    Tarp 2.

    He owns Tarp. That Obama would first ask an outgoing admin to cooperate as much as possible and then push blame onto them is no surprise.

    Tarp is a lot more easily defended than the stimulus anyway. Both were quite stupid, true, but at least Tarp was potentially averting disaster.


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